Thursday, April 1, 2010

Happy Easter!

“There's nothing better than a good friend, 
except a good friend with CHOCOLATE.” 
- Linda Grayson

Living in the US you could easily forget about Easter, especially in the wake of more widely recognized holidays like Passover here in LA.  Easter isn't a commonly recognized American holiday from the traditional sense for us Canadians (aka time off school or work).  Few people get to take either Good Friday or Easter Monday as holidays - even less get both - with the exception of some offices, libraries and schools that will be closed Friday.  And for the schools that do close, it’s called a “Midsemester Break” in an attempt not to involve religion.   

It's been rare to find me in Toronto for Easter for a while now.  I used to take the long weekend (adding Monday to the Canadian recognized Friday corporate holiday) and head to New York, Boston (watching a special someone run the Boston Marathon… M!) or LA.  This year is no exception as I won't be in Toronto, except that now I’m the one with visitors coming to me.  My little brothers!  I’m not entirely sure what our weekend will entail, but I've got SEVERAL ideas of how to entertain a 12 and 16 year-old here in LA.  I just hope they can keep up.   
Happy Easter to YOU and YOURS!


PS.  It's April 1st... RABBITS!  Wishing everyone a month of good luck.

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