A few days after returning to LA from the Christmas holidays, I picked up a friend (and fellow Canadian) from LAX. Her flight got in ~ 10pm. I’ve done the drive to and from the airport MANY times. I have a quick route I usually take, but with all of the excitement of her and her dog (Thumps), I missed a turn and we took the freeway. Not a big deal, it’d be quick at that hour. We were catching up, I was driving – navigating our way home – when all of a sudden my worst fear in LA (aside from being deported!) came true. There were red flashing lights behind me…
There are few things I fear more in life than the police in countries outside of Canada. In Canada, men in dark blue make me feel safe & protected. Anywhere else, they do just the opposite. This might be less surprising in developing nations like African countries – but the US is also high on this list. Blame Rodney King, Crash & Changeling, but I am petrified of the LAPD. They have a lot of power, & I just don’t like it.
In disbelief, I said “Are we getting pulled over?” My friend laughed and said, “What? No!” Well, yes we were. My surprise lead to a delayed reaction time, so the officer actually got on the loud speaker, “Take the next exit and pull over. Pull over at Culver City.” So I did, but I guess I didn’t stop soon enough because then I heard, “Stop the car, pull over and stop the car NOW.” Uh, ok. I’d never been pulled over in my life, let alone on a 6-lane Los Angeles freeway. Awesome. I stopped the car.
The officer was nice enough, he said I’d made an unsafe lane change and cut someone off. I didn’t notice, but I wasn’t one to object. He did a test asking me to follow his finger with my eyes (I had to stop myself from saying anything, clearly I hadn’t had a drop of any alcohol, but he wasn’t asking). Then he went back to his patrol car, for what felt like forever, and came back with a ticket telling me I had to go to the Santa Monica Courthouse February 22, at 8:30am. So I did this past Monday. I waited in line for two hours (in a full suit, not required to say the least) and decided not to contest the ticket. That would have involved coming back another day, going in front of a judge, and proving that I didn’t make an unsafe lane change. I wasn’t sure how to go about doing that, so instead I paid the $215 fine and opted to take online traffic school for another $60. I have until mid-April to complete an 8-hour online course, after which this incident will be completely removed from my driving record. No points, no insurance penalties, no record... Yes please. I had never even heard of traffic school, the man at the kiosk kept asking me if I’d been to traffic school in the past 18-months. I had to ask what traffic school was, his reply was “I think you’re good.”
I've since learned that it’s very common to get pulled over in smaller LA areas like Culver City. Large enough to have it’s own police force, but relatively small geographically, there’s no shortage of police looking to pull people over. I guess the key is not to give them a reason.
So yeah, drive safe and check those blind spots.