Since moving to Cali I get asked at least once a week where I’m from – clearly it isn’t here – nothing against my new neighbors, but I don't take this as an insult. I get a lot of "Are you Australian? British?" Others know it’s Canada right away (although six months in, I’ve finally gotten away from ‘eh”… thank GOD!!) – I even had one person say “your from Toronto?!” about two minutes into a conversation. I asked what gave it away, and he said “everything, I go to TIFF every year..." I get teased for my “out” and “about”s on a daily basis – although I’ve yet to start saying “owt” and “abowt”. It’s not like I’m from somewhere where in C with a thick accent. Born and raised in downtown T isn't exactly the boonies. Don't get me started on "z" versus "zzz" - or "o" versus "zero"... creating daily confusion when giving a zip or phone number. And if I ever start with “huh” – please just shoot me right then.
Other things that are a dead giveaway are saying sorry all the time – like if someone walks into me coming out of the elevator – I say “Sorry!” Or hand signaling thank you when someone lets you into their lane. I’ve never had anyone return the favor outside of the Great White North. Although I will say, Americans in California are generally nicer than the rest of the US. Likely because of the weather, or maybe because for the most part – people are probably on vacation!! Or living like we are ☺
My favorite question since moving here has been, “You guys have your own Thanksgiving? What’s it for?” Ha. Yes, we have our own Thanksgiving (not to be confused with America’s Columbus Day, which falls on the same day) – in a different month, and yes we were also founded. It’s almost as good as the blank stares I get when I talk about Boxing Day (usually brought up in the context of Birthday Boxing Day – or the greatest shopping day of the entire year… a day where for years I’d wake up at the crack of dawn to spend my Christmas $$, getting in & getting out before the masses). Our beloved Boxing Day doesn’t exist in the US – ironically, they have their best shopping of the year over Thanksgiving!! It’s a good thing I’ve done enough shopping over the last few months to justify heading to T next week, missing the sales, and catching up with as many of you as humanly possible in four days. Along with the rest of the US, WATW will be closed for business next Wednesday-Friday – oh wait… we haven’t opened yet?!
Clearly Canadian.